
BODY offers eco-conscious clothing, a health café, leading-edge massage and facial treatments, studio and fitness classes, as well as community-inspiring events.
BODY is truly a community center whose value is greater than the sum of its parts. BODY is an experience of unparalleled health, and a center dedicated to bringing people back into connection, vitality and the power of their own bodies.
Owner & Founder
Lorin Parrish has followed a lifelong passion for the healing arts, nutrition, the environment and well being. After years of working & living abroad, Lorin settled in Santa Fe, New Mexico in 1982. Lorin grew up in southern California with a creative passion that became her driving force in everything she did. At 16 she moved to Hawaii to attend high school and live with her brother. In Hawaii, she was first introduced to yoga, vegan cooking and lifestyle, eastern philosophy, and surfing. Lorin assisted her brother with Quiksilver, an up and coming surf wear company at the time, and through her brother became involved in Oahu’s big wave surf culture.

Farming Project in 1974 in Fort Collins, CO, called
Fields for people; Lorin developed vegan recipes with locally grown food.
Searching for more, she traveled throughout Southeast Asia, living in various monasteries, pursuing meditation and spiritual practice with such teachers and the Dalai Lama, Father Bede Griffiths, Sri Anandamayima, Munindraji, Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, and Mother Krishnabai.
Lorin studied art, textiles and philosophy at Colorado State University and at Lone Mountain (University of San Francisco).
In 1982 she continued her career teaching and practicing manual therapy, energy medicine, massage and bodywork. During this time Lorin developed several programs in healing modalities, and manual therapy. Some of these programs included Ortho-Bionomy, Cranial Sacral, Medical Massage, Sports Massage, Somatic Therapy, Reflexology, Homeopathy and Visceral Manipulation. Lorin was the Executive Director of the New Mexico Academy of Healing Arts from 1982-2007 during which time she introduced over 25 healing arts certification programs.
In 2004, Lorin Founded BODY of Santa Fe as a community project that provides a place for people of all walks of life to come together and co-create this evolving business. BODY is designed to educate and serve health conscious people from all walks of life by providing inspiring jobs, supporting local businesses that focus on sustainability, authenticity and well-being.
We’d like to thank and recognize BODY of Santa Fe’s Wonderful Vendors and Partners
Come shop these lines in our beautiful Boutique
Prairie Under Ground https://www.prairieunderground
Groa Is this right? http://www.orientpalms.com/gro
Joah Brown www.joahbrown.com
Eberjey www.eberjey.com
Hyde Organic https://yogahyde.com/
Manduka www.manduka.com
Acote https://www.acoté.com/fr
Groceries https://groceriesapparel.com/
Ever Uomo https://www.bizzarre-intimo.it
Agave Denim https://www.agavedenim.com/
Mizzen & Main www.mizzenandmain.com
Coyuchi www.coyuchi.com
Yoga Jeans https://www.yogajeans.ca/